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This. Is. Life.

The Story

Becky and Mary are thrilled to introduce “This. Is. Life.” a silent retreat that features paintings and poetry along with scriptures that walk you through the peaks and valleys of the seasons of life. This creative work gently guides you through the descent of past or present pain, grief and wounding to the ascent of joy and freedom with the Holy Spirit. This is a journey of the heart that was birthed as the Lord brought them together through their individual wounding and consequent healing in Spirit-led, art-filled community.


As you interact with the art, poetry, and scripture, you will have the opportunity to be positioned to taste, see and hear what the Lord has created through Mary and Becky. Through the direction of Lectio, Visio, or Audio Divina, you may listen for God’s invitation to you as you experience one of the paintings, corresponding poem, and scripture. At the conclusion of your experience, you will have the opportunity to leave a testimony for Becky and Mary along with the option of processing your experience further with either of them.


Mary and Becky are graduates from Healing Care Ministries Spiritual Direction program. They are each practicing Spiritual Directors who work with individuals or groups and write and host retreats.


Their sacred relationship began on the grounds of Ashland Theological Seminary with a simple invitation as one noticed the other sitting alone for lunch. That invitation gave birth to a series of Spirit-led encounters to sing, dance, and creatively express. Their God-ordained friendship blossomed as the two began talking about their desires and giftings. They met weekly to pray which they affectionately called, “Fridays with the Father.”  


After almost two years of journeying together, Becky and Mary began to realize the magnitude of what the Lord had done with and through them. With great humility, awe, and excitement, they prepared and put together the work you are invited to experience, after realizing this wasn’t only intended for them, but to share with the world. This series of paintings, writings, scriptures, and devotions have been created for YOU!


Becky has always privately expressed her experiences with God as a “closet poet.” Mary has had snippets of art training throughout her life but had never created a painting on canvas before this time. While these Spirit-led writings and paintings may not be deemed “professional” by the world’s standards, they are perfect by God’s standards and a true reflection of their experiences in this world. Perfectly imperfect. Wounded. Healing. In need of mercy and grace every day. Beloved. Chosen. Holy, righteous and redeemed. Loved by God with all their imperfections. Daughter of the King.


Come, open your heart and senses to hear from the one voice that heals.


From Him. Through us. To you. This. Is. Life….

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